Cold, Spicy Thai “Noodle” Salad


Simply sweet, spicy, and crunchy; ahh perfection. On warm Summer days I enjoy making meals that require little prep time and virtually no cooking time. This is that meal. It’s mostly raw, vegan, gluten-free & obviously very plant-based…making it an easy meal to get an abundance of nutrients, without increasing your waistline. It’s a win-win. Continue reading

Becoming Plant-Based | Challenges, Where to Start, & Suggestions

1932746_10152769734580540_3776510809050564557_oIf there is one question I get asked the most it’s “how do you do it” [eat plant-based]. It’s quite simple really…you have to prepare; or prepare to fail. You have to physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare yourself. Most people think that a vegan or plant-based lifestyle is not sustainable and it takes “too much work” or “you can’t eat anything.” In reality, it’s quite opposite. Continue reading