Vegan Banh Mi Sandwich

Believe it or not I have never had an authentic banh mi sandwich (insert sad face here). I’ve been gluten-free for nearly 3 years and I only just learned about banh mi sandwiches last year! So, given many folks don’t carry gluten-free bread I decided to make my own banh mi, and surprisingly it turned out really well. My husband eats banh mi sandwiches from time to time, so I was happy to get his approval on this. He’s no expert of course, but I think he would know a thing or two more than I when it comes to a crunchy, delicious banh mi.

Enough of the small talk, right?

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The Power Bowl

This bowl is a great go-to for lunch or dinner –  it’s easy to prepare and it has so many wonderful nutrients; specifically protein and monounsaturated fats, which come from the quinoa, pistachios, and kalamata olives…and honestly, there is nothing quite like quinoa and hummus together… trust me on this…  It blends so beautifully.

Hummus as a dressing? Who woulda thought!


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