Cold, Spicy Thai “Noodle” Salad


Simply sweet, spicy, and crunchy; ahh perfection. On warm Summer days I enjoy making meals that require little prep time and virtually no cooking time. This is that meal. It’s mostly raw, vegan, gluten-free & obviously very plant-based…making it an easy meal to get an abundance of nutrients, without increasing your waistline. It’s a win-win. Continue reading

Garden Fresh Rolls & Miso-Ginger Ramen


My stomach has been acting up…I blame it mostly on eating out over the weekend…but don’t get me wrong, I love to eat out!… But sometimes, no matter where you go, if it’s not homemade – you face the consequences. Over the weekend we ate out twice – once for lunch and once for my grandmothers 80th birthday (both in the same day too). The food was great and surely satisfying, but my stomach hasn’t been so happy about it… So – for Monday nights dinner I wanted to make something that would one, be easy on my stomach, and two, something that would be filling post workout.

For dinner I made my Garden Fresh Rolls  – an array of vegetables wrapped in delicious collard greens (instead of rice paper) and dipped in a gluten-free, vegan peanut sauce, and paired alongside a nice steamy bowl of Miso-Ginger Ramen…mmmm.

All things yum and extremely easy.

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Spicy Mac & Cheeze


I’ve said it time and time again, there is just no good substitute for the real-deal mac & cheese. I grew up on Kraft, Annie’s, and in my high-school days, Velvetta <— this stuff is seriously “liquid gold” – but my goodness, a heart-attack waiting to happen. Good thing those days are over. Ever since I went gluten-free and dairy-free, back in May 2012, I have longed for a good mac & cheese substitute…. Ladies & gentleman, my prayers have been answered. Let me introduce you to my new friend….

Heidi Ho’s Creamy Chia Cheeze — it’s a 100% plant-based, vegan, & gluten-free cheeze sauce and/or spred. Continue reading