Cream of Mushroom Soup with Balsamic Glaze & Crispy Potato Croutons

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First and foremost, happy September!.. .Autumn weather has arrived here in Seattle and I am definitely craving soup this year! And yes my friends, it is gluten-free and vegan… [and!] it’s entirely fat-free. I promise you, the best thing you can do for your kitchen is invest in a Vitamix. If you are eating more plant-based meals, or happen to already be a vegan – the Vitamix will most certainly change your world. Yes, your world! Not only will your smoothies and juice creations become an entirely new experience, but the Vitamix can puree just about anything until it is silky smooth (as if there was something fattening in there to make it creamy!) It will not disappoint, and more importantly this soup does not disappoint. It’s perfect for chilly Autumn evenings or as a base to a mushroom stroganoff! Continue reading

Cold, Spicy Thai “Noodle” Salad


Simply sweet, spicy, and crunchy; ahh perfection. On warm Summer days I enjoy making meals that require little prep time and virtually no cooking time. This is that meal. It’s mostly raw, vegan, gluten-free & obviously very plant-based…making it an easy meal to get an abundance of nutrients, without increasing your waistline. It’s a win-win. Continue reading

A Simple Food Guide | Vancouver, BC.


I love traveling; experiencing new places, meeting new people, and eating new food. But it can be hard when you live a plant-based, vegan, or gluten-free lifestyle. This simple guide is here to help point you in the right direction when visiting the beautiful city of Vancouver, BC. And thank you to the Loden Hotel for a beautiful, boutique-hotel experience. Continue reading